Friday 15 August 2014

If Laziness Were A Crime Then These 25 People Should Be Arrested. #5 Is Just Wrong

We’ve all had our lazy moments here and there, but some people take it to a whole new level. When you look back and realize it actually took you MORE WORK to avoid doing something…that’s a red flag. You’ve gone too far.

1. Who mows lawns anymore?

2. Resource utilization at its finest.

3. Soda is soda.

4. Feels like it would be easier to just get out…?

5. Terrible at math, but not too shabby as a tipper!

6. This person is too lazy for Halloween.

7. …This one might be even lazier.

8. This is a whole team of lazy.

9. This looks legitimately dangerous.

10. Really?

11. We actually give a big thumbs up to this brilliant maneuver.

12. Sometimes the trash is just too far away.

13. The tragedy is how much more comfortable he could be…

14. “We could just take it out of the box?” “THERE’S NO TIME!”

15. A real innovator.

16. These lost carts don’t even realize how close to home they really are.

17. If this doesn’t say “college” I don’t know what does.

18. The long and winding road to the end of the driveway.

19. Get a recycling bin, bro. It’s time.

20. Seems like there’s probably a patrol car somewhere he could’ve snoozed in…but I guess this works?

21. The American Dream.

22. Apparently when you take the dog for a walk, you really don’t have to partake.

23. No lifting, no problem!

24. Hope he put on sunscreen ’cause he’s never going to want to flip sides again.

25. Environmentalists at home, cover your eyes…

If Laziness Were A Crime Then These 25 People Should Be Arrested. #5 Is Just Wrong

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