Tuesday 26 August 2014

These May Be The Worst Logo Design Fails Of All Time.

When starting a company, it is important that you stand out from the rest of your competitors. One thing you can do to ensure that is to have an easily recognized logo that is simple and to the point. Something that people will see and instantly associate you and your product with that logo. These people failed miserably at that goal.

When you see these logos, you’ll associate them with something all right… but it won’t be what the company intended.

1.) If you REALLY love dogs.

1.) If you REALLY love dogs.

2.) Is that where it comes from!?

2.) Is that where it comes from!?

3.) Glad I have FiOs.

3.) Glad I have FiOs.

4.) I think I’ll just buy a new one.

4.) I think I

5.) That sausage must be delicious.

5.) That sausage must be delicious.

6.) Also, Bench Stinker!

6.) Also, Bench Stinker!

7.) Not too sure what is going on here.

7.) Not too sure what is going on here.

8.) My kids will never go there.

8.) My kids will never go there.

9.) This Chinese Restaurant should just stick to “#1 Chinese.”

9.) This Chinese Restaurant should just stick to

10.) “Our prices won’t screw you, we swear!”

10.) "Our prices won

11.) Hey, if little Timmy wants one, he can have one.

11.) Hey, if little Timmy wants one, he can have one.

12.) Oh no. Just no.

12.) Oh no. Just no.

13.) These pizzas don’t seem to delicious.

13.) These pizzas don

14.) Font selection is key.

14.) Font selection is key.

You would think someone would have caught these interpretations somewhere along the line, but I guess not. Thankfully, the public had a chance to see these disastrous design fails. Just, wow. Click below to share them with others!

These May Be The Worst Logo Design Fails Of All Time.

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