Thursday 28 August 2014

15 Funny Notes People Left For Their Friends and Family

Sometimes the best way to get your message across is through the written word. Thats what we like to think Post-It notes were invented for. Every now and again, someone needs a reminder (in writing) to clean up the dishes or to please dress appropriately because your parents are coming into town.

The people who wrote the notes below deserve awards for creativity and wit. Hey, if youre going to have to remind someone about something, why not make it hilarious?

1. To the roommate who likes to walk around naked

2. This dad left the money with Meatloaf.

3. The Missing Sock poster.

4. The cute puppy hostage taker.

5. This complaint came with free samples.

My neighbors can

6. And thats when he realized he could probably jerk off a little bit less.

7. The proper way to let your roommates know youre keeping your pee in the fridge.

8. Cereal theft is seriously no joke.

9. Someones got a condiment problem.

10. Its always good to look out for a friend.

11. A simple mistake that could scar you for life

12. The medium is the message.

13. That awkward moment when you have to tell someone you clogged the toilet

14. Theres always that one person who puts the Brita back in the fridge empty.

15. This is what happens when you have an overly-attached girlfriend and you stop leaving notes.

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15 Funny Notes People Left For Their Friends and Family

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