Saturday 30 August 2014

What One Artists Makes With Post-It Notes Is Kind Of Terrifying.

There are certain drawings, paintings and sculptures that hit people in just the right way. Something about them strikes a chord in you. From time to time, that chord is horror.

Danish artist John Kenn Mortensen (a.k.a., Don Kenn) is somehow able to remind of us all of what frightened us as children. Maybe you didn’t even realize you had some leftover childhood fears, but you’ll remember them when you see these Post-It notes. 

They are so delightfully creepy.

If Shel Silverstein books were full of monsters…

If Shel Silverstein books were full of monsters...

These would be the monsters.

These would be the monsters.

As children, we fear what is in the dark. This artist shows us what we were afraid of.

As children, we fear what is in the dark. This artist shows us what we were afraid of.

Long limbs and shadows fill his Post-It notes.

Long limbs and shadows fill his Post-It notes.

Expert use of pen and shading create a dark nightmarescape.

Expert use of pen and shading create a dark nightmarescape.

I would NOT want to be in one of these dreams.

I would NOT want to be in one of these dreams.

There’s something whimsical, yet frightening, about this work.


Oh. My. NO.

Oh. My. NO.

He even reimagines fairy tales, like Little Red Riding Hood.

He even reimagines fairy tales, like Little Red Riding Hood.

Don’t look back, Red.


This imagery will make you start looking over your shoulder…

This imagery will make you start looking over your shoulder...

Or checking your bedroom closets.

Or checking your bedroom closets.

I hope you’re not afraid of the dark.

I hope you

(H/T Bored Panda)

You can see more of John Kenn Mortensen’s work on Facebook or Tumblr. You can also buy his creation in the book Sticky Monsters. Hopefully his nightmares don’t make their way into your nightmares. Click on the button below to share his awesome images with others.

What One Artists Makes With Post-It Notes Is Kind Of Terrifying.

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