Wednesday 20 August 2014

He Couldn’t Get A Day Off, So This Groom Had To Take Some Pretty Special Wedding Photos.

Most people would freak out if they discovered that they couldnt take a day off from work to take wedding photos, but not this Chinese SWAT officer. What else would you expect from someone who is trained to remain calm in situations that are a lot more intense than having your spouse and a photographer annoyed with you?

Instead of canceling the shoot, which was supposed to take place in a studio, Hou Wellin suggested to his bride Li Jinyang that they bring the shoot to work with him. She said yes (again)!

Take a look!

“Will you be the most accommodating wife of all time?”

On the lookout for haters.

On the lookout for haters.

Who needs a limo when you have one of these bad boys?

Who needs a limo when you have one of these bad boys?

Like I always say, there’s nothing more romantic than a shooting range.

Like I always say, there

I’d see that movie!


There’s no better way to show one’s love for another than a Spider-Man kiss.


What a great couple! Congrats, you two!

What a great couple! Congrats, you two!

It should be against the law to be this adorable. It’s easy to see that this couple will have a long, happy and exciting marriage.

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He Couldn’t Get A Day Off, So This Groom Had To Take Some Pretty Special Wedding Photos.

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