Saturday 30 August 2014

You Won"t Believe What Heat Maps Of Major Cities Revealed

Raw data has never looked better.

You Wont Believe What Heat Maps Of Major Cities Revealed

Apps like Nike+ or RunKeeper allow runners and cyclists to keep track of their routes and, if they’d prefer, to share the data with others via social media. But statistician Nathan Yau, inspired by a similar examination of European cities began accumulating public data and overlaying it on maps of major US cities. While the results, which he posted on his site Flowing Data, may be aesthetically pleasing the Washington Post has pointed out they also highlights “evidence of social and economic injustice everywhere.”

Yau wasn’t hoping to find anything specific when he examined the data. “If there’s one quick (and expected) takeaway, it’s that people like to run by the water and in parks, probably to get away from cars and the scenery,” he said. “In the smaller inland cities, there seem to be a few high-traffic roads with less running elsewhere.” Check out some of his findings below.


You Wont Believe What Heat Maps Of Major Cities Revealed


You Wont Believe What Heat Maps Of Major Cities Revealed


You Wont Believe What Heat Maps Of Major Cities Revealed

Los Angeles

You Wont Believe What Heat Maps Of Major Cities Revealed

New York

You Wont Believe What Heat Maps Of Major Cities Revealed


You Wont Believe What Heat Maps Of Major Cities Revealed

San Francisco

You Wont Believe What Heat Maps Of Major Cities Revealed

Washington, DC

You Wont Believe What Heat Maps Of Major Cities Revealed

See the full dataset here.

H/T NewsMic

You Won"t Believe What Heat Maps Of Major Cities Revealed

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