Tuesday 19 August 2014

A Dog Was Left Stranded On An Ice Sheet In Russia... Sailors Saved The Day!

Just another typical day in the life of Russian Sailors. Three days ago (16th August), Russian Sailors who were embarking on a life-threatening mission to deliver supplies to a faraway town found something they NEVER thought they’d see.

As they were getting close to their destination, they noticed a tiny black dot in the distance. At fist they thought it might be a seal but upon closer inspection they noticed that, even though their eyes wouldn’t believe it, it was a dog!

They knew what they had to do. One of the Sailors volunteered to jump into the icy-cold Sea and risk his life to save the life of the helpless dog. You can see the rescue below.

Not only do we need to praise the bravery and heart-warming nature of these sailors, but it also begs the question… What the F*CK was a dog doing on an ice sheet?!

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A Dog Was Left Stranded On An Ice Sheet In Russia... Sailors Saved The Day!

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