Sunday 24 August 2014

18 Simple Hacks That Could Save Your Life

Justin Carissimo

Never walk with your hands in your pockets.

1. Realize that someone, somewhere, loves you, and doesn’t want you gone.

2. Going to the local Barnes & Noble will help you find a safe part of town.

3. If you’ve come close to drowning, go to the nearest hospital. Your lungs could fill up with fluid over the next couple hours.

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Leonard Chien/Flickr

4. Don’t walk with your hands in your pockets, especially down a flight of stairs.

5. Never text and drive.

6. Use milk if you ever need to treat your eyes from teargas.

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Robert Cohen/@ComplexMag

7. If you’re ever being chased by a crocodile, run in zig-zags.

8. When calling for help, call out details regarding specific people. Yell the color of their shirt, hat, anything that will get their attention.

9. Just because the traffic light turns green does not mean it’s safe to go.

10. Cat urine has a very high concentration of ammonia in it so never use a bleach based cleaner to clean a litter box.

11. There’s an app that tracks and helps prevents police brutality.

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12. Rohypnol has a salty taste to it.

13. Cover your head. Your body wastes energy trying to keep your head warm and cool.

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Martin Allen/Flickr

14. If you get caught in a riptide, swim parallel to shore. You’ll be pulled far, but it’s better than fighting against it.

15. Get low to the ground if you’re ever caught in a building fire, the breathable air will be nearest to the ground.

16. Your make-up mirror or credit card can reflect the sun as a signal.

17. If you’re choking or having a heart attack, get out of your car. If you’re draped over the hood of the car, you’re obviously sending a distress signal.

18. Most mobile phones are able to dial 911, or 112, without service or SIM cards.

Big ups to this reddit thread.

18 Simple Hacks That Could Save Your Life

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