Saturday 23 August 2014

This guy made something really special using glue and colored pencils. I didn’t see it coming, WOW!

Every now and then we stumble upon amazingly creative people who completely blow our mind with their brilliant ideas, and this is the case of Peter Brown, who came up with an incredibly unique creation starting from simple things such as pencils and glue.

I don’t think anybody ever made something like that before, and we are pleased to show you Peter’s creation. Scroll through the entire process, because it’s totally worth it.

Feel free to check out Peter Brown’s Etsy shop if you’re interested in seeing more of his work.

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Peter Brown took a pack of colored pencils…


…and randomly arranged them.


He used the glue to stick them together.


Drilled ahole in the glued pencils.


He removed the excess wood.


He smoothed the surface using a lathe… Are you getting it?


Yes, he’s making a ring! But there are some more step to complete the process…


…polishing for example.


Almost done…


The glossy look is given by the varnish he painted on the ring.


From a bunch of glued pencils to an original ring… I didn’t see it coming!


So creative…


…isn’t it unique?


Share Peter’s beautiful creation with your friends on Facebook!

This guy made something really special using glue and colored pencils. I didn’t see it coming, WOW!

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