Wednesday 20 August 2014

21 People Who Don’t Have Time For Your Flirtatious Texting

1.This person who clearly only wants one thing in life.

This person who clearly only wants one thing in life.

2.This partner whos focused on more important things.

This partner who

3.This baby who knows exactly how to have a good time.


4.This person whos not messing around.

This person who

5.And this creative bastard.

And this creative bastard.

6.Theres the person who enjoys the simple things in life.


7.The person who applies selective hearing to text messaging.

The person who applies selective hearing to text messaging.

8.And the texter who is now all out of great ideas.

And the texter who is now all out of great ideas.

9.Then theres the person who is not afraid to be blunt.

Then there

10.The homebody.

The homebody.

11.And the dude just trying to sleep.

And the dude just trying to sleep.

12.Theres the biblical reminder.


13.Chris, the cold-blooded friend.

Chris, the cold-blooded friend.

14.This person who is just trying to get something else.

This person who is just trying to get something else.

15.And this friend who is a bit dark.

And this friend who is a bit dark.

16.Theres this thoughtful partner.


17.The dreamer.

The dreamer.

18.The brutally honest wisher.

The brutally honest wisher.

19.This nazi from hell.

This nazi from hell.

20.This person who is only a friend, apparently.

This person who is only a friend, apparently.

21.And Sierra.

And Sierra.

21 People Who Don’t Have Time For Your Flirtatious Texting

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