Sunday 31 August 2014

The most STUNNING photos ever taken of Antarctica - A truly magical place...

Antarctica is a strange and mysterious place. However one thing has always remained the same… It is absolutely stunning.

These zodiacs were our primary mode of transportation.
It was so beautiful in every direction.
This was the first piece of ice we saw, and it was a mile wide (literally!)
This Minke Whale swam about 6 inches under the Zodiac.
A lone penguin among the bergs
Lots of beautiful ice there.
Weddell Seal = House Cat
"Cover my 6!"
The Wordie House, an old research outpost.
Antarctic kite flying
Over here, guys!
This Adelie tripped over a chick and got bloodied up by others as a result. Note the onlookers.
Antarctic Shag feeding its young. Their heads are literally halfway down its throat!
Chinstrap Penguin
Offloading the Zodiacs
Paradise Bay
Almirante Brown Research Base dwarfed by a glacier
Feeding time.
Rare calm waters at sunset
Pack ice under the midnight sun
Iceberg with bonus Penguin
Icebergs are like snowflakes; every one different.
He liked my joke
He stood there taking in the view for the entire time I was there.
Navigating the corridor
Dwarfed by the giant
So blue it looked unnatural.
Humpback spouting right off our Zodiac
Showing off his tail
Streaming waters
Porpoising Penguins
Whale Bones on Deception Island
Oblivious to what's coming
Drooling in his sleep!
Humans against a monolithic glacier
"Hi Guys!"
The Daily Commute
Every iceberg looks like it could be some sort of vessel.
Ice Bridge to Nowhere
Chinstrap Colony
The Famous Jumping Gentoo

The most STUNNING photos ever taken of Antarctica - A truly magical place...

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