Friday 29 August 2014

Before Celebrities Got Famous, They Were Kind Of Lame, Just Like Us.

People are drawn to celebrities, no matter who the celebrities are. One of the main reasons we love to digitally stalk celebrities is because we want to live vicariously through them. Our lives might not be very interesting, so we’d like to see how those who’ve “made it” are living.

But what if we told you that many of those same celebrities once lived just like you and I do? They had low end jobs… and some even made the most embarrassing commercials you can imagine.

Here’s some of the most interesting “pre-famous” versions of celebrities we all know and love. Enjoy!

1.) Steve Carell

1.) Steve Carell

2.) Jack Black

2.) Jack Black

3.) Stephen Colbert

3.) Stephen Colbert

4.) Ben Affleck

4.) Ben Affleck

5.) Joseph Gordon-Levitt

5.) Joseph Gordon-Levitt

6.) Keanu Reeves

6.) Keanu Reeves

7.) Aaron Paul

7.) Aaron Paul

8.) Bill Cranston

8.) Bill Cranston

9.) …Bill again!

9.) ...Bill again!

10.) Brad Pitt

10.) Brad Pitt

Watch many more here:

Can someone please explain why Bill Cranston is sweating a skunk outfit in the shower in this video?? Click on the button below to share this video with others. It’s just too golden not to.

Before Celebrities Got Famous, They Were Kind Of Lame, Just Like Us.

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