Tuesday 19 August 2014

19 Reasons Why You Should Never Trust The People You Work With... #5 Is AWESOME!

Planning a big vacation? Looking forward to leaving the office and catching up on some R&R? Well, just so you know, some of your co-workersare probably cooking up some nefarious plans for your office when you get back. Finding ways to enjoy the workday is vital to any job. Pranking your work friends just happens to be one of the best ways to do just that.

Just to stress you out super hard once you get back to the office, here are some of the craziest office pranks people have ever pulled off.

1.) Who doesn’t like Chinese?

1.) Who doesn

2.) A gift just for you! More work.

2.) A gift just for you! More work.

3.) This office got trashed.

3.) This office got trashed.

4.) Some old school technology never hurt anyone.

4.) Some old school technology never hurt anyone.

5.) This would be a little kid’s dream.

5.) This would be a little kid

6.) Hope you’re thirsty.

6.) Hope you

7.) They better have given a huge tub of butter at least.

7.) They better have given a huge tub of butter at least.

8.) Make sure there isn’t a monster under all of those balls.

8.) Make sure there isn

9.) This has to be in Germany.

9.) This has to be in Germany.

10.) Don’t forget to trim your keyboard!

10.) Don

11.) You’ve just been TROLLED!

11.) You

12.) They say don’t crap where you eat. Looks like you have to here.

12.) They say don

13.) This is a diabetic’s nightmare.

13.) This is a diabetic

14.) This house of cups is going to fall.

14.) This house of cups is going to fall.

15.) What? How? Huh? RUUUNNN!!!!

15.) What? How? Huh? RUUUNNN!!!!

16.) You’re going on vacation? Keep me…POSTED…on when.

16.) You

17.) Don’t forget to MOW YOUR DESK!

17.) Don

18.) For the Belieber in all of us.

18.) For the Belieber in all of us.

19.) One of those has to be Splinter from Ninja Turtles.

19.) One of those has to be Splinter from Ninja Turtles.

Yeah, I’m calling my travel agent and cancelling my vacation. Fiji doesn’t sound that amazing. Besides, I don’t want to end up with a BEAR IN MY OFFICE! (HOW? HOW? HOW?)

Who doesn’t appreciate a good office joke? Share this post with your prankster friends or those who have been pranked.

19 Reasons Why You Should Never Trust The People You Work With... #5 Is AWESOME!

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