Wednesday 20 August 2014

15 Of The Worst Fails With The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge - They Should Have Just Stuck To Donating!

You’ve probably noticed that a bunch of your Facebook friends have been dumping freezing cold water on their heads lately. Dubbed “The Ice Bucket Challenge,” the tepid trend became popular earlier this summer as a way to promote awareness and raise funds for people who have been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as ALS and Lou Gehrig’s disease.

The idea is that once someone challenges you, you then have 24 hours to complete the challenge yourself or donate $100 to the ALS Association. When you’ve completed either of those tasks, or possibly both, you then pass the challenge along to your unsuspecting friends.

Sounds simple, right? Well, not for these guys. They should have just stuck to donating. Brace yourself for some serious fail…

1.) This guy who couldn’t even make it to the tub.

2.) This sneak attack gone wrong.

3.) Wait, which one was supposed to take the challenge?

4.) This guy took the ice part a little too seriously.

5.) These uncoordinated besties.

6.) This guy who maybe doesn’t know what a bucket is.

7.) The unfortunate attempts shown at the end of this video.

8.) I have a feeling she asked her brother to help with this one.

9.) Wait, is the challenge to get by the bucket or the water?

10.) Anyone who trusts their kids to do the heavy lifting.

11.) This girl who tries to get a little too creative.

12.) I guess she didn’t want her friend to have all the freezing fun.

13.) This poor guy’s face…

14.) This girl’s friend really took a dive.

15.) They may sound similar, but rice is not ice, Miley.

Now you know what to avoid when you get called out! The safest and most helpful option: just donate.

Share with your friends using the buttons below to save them from any embarrassment, too.

15 Of The Worst Fails With The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge - They Should Have Just Stuck To Donating!

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