Monday 11 August 2014

25 Facts That Will Completely Change the Way You See the World

1. The Internet weighs as much as a strawberry.


It may be digital information but its still physical in a very minute form. It is believed that the electrons that make up the Internet can weigh up to 50 grams in total, roughly the size of a single strawberry.

2. All carbon-based creatures, including humans, were made from stars.


Just about every piece of organic life on the planet came from the stars, including us. A massive supernova spread the materials that make up all living things throughout the universe. The one that helped create our kind happened more than 4.5 billion years ago.

3. The human species could go extinct within 100 years.


Microbiologist Frank Fenner said in an interview that due to problems such as climate change, he believes mankind is on a course of certain doom and that whatever we do now is too late.

4. The worlds entire ant population weighs the same as the entire human population.


There are 10,000 different types of ants. They outnumber humanity with a ratio of 1 million to one, but our total weights are almost exactly the same.

5. The driest place in the world is located in Antarctica.


A patch of land on Antarctica called the Dry Valleys is the driest place on Earth, where there hasnt been rain in more than 2 million years.

6. The Milky Way has two billion Earth-like planets.


Approximately one out of every 37 to 70 stars in the sky are sunlike, which means that there must be other planets with a sustainable ecosystem elsewhere in the galaxy.

7. The worlds gold supply comes from asteroids.


Its not possible that the gold we have today was formed when the Earth was born because any precious metals would have quickly melted and become lost in the planets core. The only other possible theory is that they came from a massive meteor shower approximately 4 billion years ago.

8. Parts of Canada have lower levels of gravity.


Its not some roadside attraction with a dubious claim– Its been scientifically confirmed, and its due either to its small land mass or a convection in the Earths mantle.

9. The Earth used to have two moons.


The scientific journal “Nature” suggests that two moons once occupied the nighttime sky, but a collision whittled the total down to one.

10. The Earth is the densest planet in the Solar System.


Planets that are closer to the sun have more precious metals and rocks in their cores, while those that are farther are made up of gases, making the Earth the densest.

11. There is a body of water in space big enough to refill the Earths oceans.


This body of water sits in a large cloud around a massive black hole and has a volume 20,000 times greater than all of the water on Earth.

12. Birds can see the Earths magnetic fields.


Findings suggest that birds have special molecules in their eyes and brains that allow them to see and orient their flight patterns based on the magnetic wavelengths of the Earth.

13. If a black hole replaced the Sun, the Earth and other planets would not get sucked into it.


Black holes are not, as NASA puts it, a cosmic vacuum cleaner. Sure, replacing one with the Sun would drastically reduce the Earths temperature and erase important solar winds, but it would not eat the planets whole.

14. Tiny black holes no bigger than an atom pass through the Earth every single day.


These black holes are no bigger than an atom, and just like their larger counterparts, they dont suck in matter like a vacuum. Instead, these tiny black holes trap atoms and molecules and turn them into circling orbits.

15. The Earth is still technically living in an ice age.


The Ice Age wasnt a period of time from our history; Its still happening. An ice age is defined as a period in which the Earth is cold enough to sustain permanent sheets of ice… such as the ones that currently exist in Greenland and Antarctica.

16. 1 out of every 200 men in the world is a descendant of Genghis Khan.


Historians have dubbed Genghis Khan the most accomplished man to have walked the Earth and clearly, that includes having sex with many women; One of every 200 people are related to the guy.

17. The worlds largest living organism is a fungus.


The largest fungus is also the largest living thing on Earth. Its called the honey mushroom, and it covers an area of over 2,200 acres.

18. Deserts are mostly rocks and gravel, not sand.


Movies and TV shows like to portray deserts as massive, never-ending beaches with no oceans, but they are actually made up of desolate rocks surrounded by sand.

19. The Earth isnt perfectly spherical, but an oblate spheroid.


The great Isaac Newton discovered the little known fact that the Earth is actually an imperfect spheroid shape because the two points at the poles are squashed and the equator is swollen.

20. All of the Earths water is 4.3 billion years old.


All of the Earths water is simply being recycled over and over since it can not be destroyed. It all came from the same source 4.3 billion years ago.

21. Oceans represent 99 percent of the living space on Earth.


The oceans might seem vast, but they take up even more of the Earth than you think. Most of the organisms on Earth live at the bottom of its deepest trenches, making the deep blue sea home to all but one percent of the planet’s organisms.

22. There is an organization that still exists that believes the Earth is flat.


The aptly named Flat Earth Society claims that they have conclusive proof that the Earth is indeed flat, despite all the scientific evidence to the contrary, including the fact that we have people who have been to outer space and seen the Earths curvature with their own eyes. But thats just like an opinion, man

23. Helium was first discovered in the spectrum of the sun.


Helium was first discovered in 1868 by a French astronomer observing a solar eclipse. It appeared as a glorious yellow effulgence.

24. The Great Lakes contains 21 percent of the worlds entire supply of fresh surface water.


The Great Lakes are the largest surface freshwater source on the Earth… until the day that the polar ice caps melt, of course.

25. A teaspoon of neutron star weighs more than a billion tons in Earths gravity.


The star has a mass that is 1.4 times greater than the Sun, so its presence on the Earth would increase its weight to almost 1 billion tons.

The universe is incredible. Lets not forget our place in it.

25 Facts That Will Completely Change the Way You See the World

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