Tuesday 2 September 2014

This man uses his rake to create incredible sand art. Just zoom out and… MIND BLOWN.

Some people are just one of a kind, they have an incredible talent and are able to do something no one else can do, and Andres Amador is certainly one of these people.

Andres isn’t a conventional artist, he creates his art by raking incredible and epic (his works can be larger than 100,000 sq. ft.) geometrical shapes on the beach.

One of the most amazing things about Andres’ art is that it’s not permanent, since it will only last until the next tide comes to wash away his masterpieces, and the only way he has to make his work immortal is taking pictures of it.

We are sure that Andres’ art will blow your mind, and if you want to know more about him and his artworks, take a look at his Facebook page and his official website.

If you like Andres Amador’s art, make sure to share this post with your friends!

Andres says that his art is more about the process and less about the result.


In order to create his works, he uses a rope as a guide to make perfect geometric patterns.


He knows his art is temporary, and the primary reason why he does it is…


… FUN!


He often helps people proposing to their loved one.


It usually takes Andres around 2 hours to create one of his masterpieces…


… That can be larger than 100,000 sq.ft.


Share Andres’ amazing pieces of art with others by clicking the SHARE button below!

This man uses his rake to create incredible sand art. Just zoom out and… MIND BLOWN.

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