Friday 26 September 2014

This Amazing Artist Blends Reality With Her Paintings. Don"t Trust Your Eyes.

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Australian artist Emma Hack excels at blending realities. She received international attention after working with Grammy-winning musician Goyte for his “Somebody I Used To Know” video. (That was some epic body painting.)

Hack uses paint to camouflage her subjects, a task that can take anywhere from 8 to 15 uninterrupted hours. She then captures the incredible effect with photography and was put on display earlier this year during an exhibition at the Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery. Take a look at her impressive work.

Peacock with Yellow Butterflies

<em>Peacock with Yellow Butterflies</em>





Wallpaper Black Cockatoos

<em>Wallpaper Black Cockatoos</em>

Evolution Crocodile

<em>Evolution Crocodile</em>



Building Facade Porto

<em>Building Facade Porto</em>

Carnation Mandala

<em>Carnation Mandala</em>

I’m stunned.

If you want to find out more about Emma’s work, check out her website or the gallery’s page.

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This Amazing Artist Blends Reality With Her Paintings. Don"t Trust Your Eyes.

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